GreenReso (Air & Surface Sterilizer)


GreenReSo (Air & Surface Sterilizer)



Purifies the air and disinfects surfaces continuously

Universal solutions to meet Indoor Air Quality needs


In a world where health is at the heart of our concerns, where physical exercise is part of our daily lives and where good nutrition is essential for maintaining our balance, we still pay too little attention to what we touch and what we breathe...

Improving the indoor environment by combating invisible pollution
In our buildings there is no effective system to fight against indoor pollution and disease-causing pathogens

GreenReso takes the sanitary quality of your building to the next level.

A combination of purification technologies based on natural processes

GreenReso devices provide more than 90% continuous protection against microbial and bacterial populations in the air and significantly reduce the risk of contamination by surfaces:

With different innovations to answer all problems of air quality control, the PCO system can kill germs in the air and directly on the surface it touches.

Able to eliminate 99.99% of viruses, bacteria, fungi, including COVID-19, 99.96% in the air and 99.98% on the surface without using a filter. do not collect germs freshen the air and is safe for humans.



Our technology


Photocatalytic Oxidation(PCO)Technology is a technology that uses a natural process by generating hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and Hydroxyl radical (OH-), which is like a powerful air purifier.


They are continuously generated converting bacteria, viruses, odors and other organic compounds into carbon dioxide. and humidity that is harmless


PCO Technology This technology has been proven and certified by many institutions. That has the ability to kill germs and eliminate toxic gases both in the air and on surfaces almost 100% is safe for humans



A combination of purification technologies based on natural processes
GreenReso devices provide more than 90% continuous protection against microbial and bacterial populations in the air and significantly reduce the risk of contamination by surfaces:



