The LoLiPack system is intended for airports fitted with up to 2000 meters runway, opened for VFR flights.
This package originally includes all Airfield Ground Lights necessary for visual aids, their Constant Current Regulators supplying the lights and the Monitoring & Supervision system allowing the control of the installation from the ATC.
The lights are Low Intensity type, using LED technology.
944-946 ซอยนวมินทร์ 143 ถนนนวมินทร์
แขวงนวลจันทร์ เขตบึงกุ่ม กรุงเทพฯ 10230
Bangkok 10230 Thailand
โทร: +662-510-0565-6, +662-510-1485-6
แฟกซ์: +662-510-0569